Mo Money, Mo Knowledge
Another aspect of how Capitalism and scarcity show up in my work is in the “sticker shock” moment when discussing my rates. Many folks I work with are in the NGO (Non-Governmental Organizations) or NPO (Not for Profit) or Recreation, Childcare and Education spaces. A)Because that is where the bulk of my career experience is in and B)how power and oppression show up in these spaces is so varied and nuanced these discussions will never stop needing to be had.
One of the key ways that Capitalism works to devalue identities is to devalue the jobs created to “support” those demographics, but not in the ways you think.
A teacher, lawyer and doctor are all considered a “professional profession” but their salaries are in no way similar, right?? Not necessarily, sure as a starting salary perhaps but ask any young lawyer fresh from Law School what their salary is, and it would be on par or incrementally hirer than that of a teacher's starting salary. So already the fallacy of this “self-sacrificial” air around teaching is a lie. In Ontario where I am from, we have what’s called a Sunshine List, and those working in the public sector who make more than 6 figures show up on that list. A new teacher may not be on that list but plenty of people who work in education are. So teaching like the law has immense upward mobility. Education is an extension of the State, in only teaching Settler centric knowledge, criminalizing non-white cultural norms and behaviours and divorcing intellect, capabilities and capacities from access, privilege and poverty all reaffirming the colonial process. Teachers are as violent as the Police.
Proximity to Power is Proximity to Wealth.
In NGOs and NPOs an intern, or recent graduate may make a minimal salary but what about Executive Directors/Managing Directors/CEOs? Depending on the organization they could make 6 figures as well. In the same way that education is an extension of state-sanctioned violence, so too are these organizations. It is systemized activism, people who identify as particulate caring or empathic join these orgs in hopes of making things better without any self-reflection of whether they should be the ones to do it at all. What about these vulnerable demographics says to you they need “saving”? From someone like you? The ego and paternalistic discourse are insufferable, worse because the individuals are seemingly unaware of how perfectly they are reaffirming these colonial systems. Almost all vulnerable demographics are underserved people, poverty, lack access and are overly policed all suffering comes from the state so how could the state save them?
So, what does this have to do with paying my rates? On the surface, it is easy to dismiss that this is connected but it is. If the state devalues this kind of work, then an outside voice that is rife with critique and calling for change will always be discounted. Settlers get to determine which non-white voice the center and amplify, and they will always choose those who have aligned themselves to power. Because Power equals Wealth, why wouldn’t someone lean into the “rugged individual” or “I pulled myself up by my bootstraps” narrative that serves their gains? Being tokenized is to be given safety, you get folded in with the “haves” and create further distance from the “have nots” And arguably what capitalism demands to reach any level of success. Meaning, that my determination to stay outside of these systems, to not let them fold me in, whisper in my ear how different and special and exceptional I am as opposed to other people who look like me I am choosing to stay outside. (Read Aseops Fable The Dog and The Wolf) Charity is paternalistic, distancing and shame-based. I do not offer charitable organizations any further tax breaks or exemptions any more than already receive. If they aren’t willing into pouring into the people they claim to want knowledge from then they don’t want that knowledge.
As I seek to disrupt these harmful norms and cruel systems I am also subject to them, money does not absolve me from it.
It is also important for me not to let MY ego reign and think that I am the only one who can do this work, say these words or make a change. I believe the exact opposite, the day that I no longer feel like the only voice in these spaces I will happily step back into a colleague, mentor or elder role whichever comes first. I am working to be a Good Ancestor (as defined by Layla F. Saad) now, I hope I will leave this earth with the knowledge I did all I could and spoke truth to power at every opportunity. But I also center my joy and spirit as much as possible, because no one else will. As this work takes an immense toll on me, I extract payment from systems at every opportunity. I provide community support, pour into mutual aid and provide my time and presence when I am called. But I self-determine who to help, I do not give to charities to give to people. I give to people to help people. I give to myself to help myself. I pour into people, places and things that pour into me. My knowledge is hard won, my experience was violently gained and my emotional intelligence carries on despite constant cruelty. The state and these systems have never helped me, so I do not help them, but if individuals within them seek to make a change I will help them so long as they value and compensate for my efforts.
Your proximity to power is your wealth, learn to redistribute it and see how your world changes.