New school year, who dis?
In honour of the start to the new school year, I’ll be sharing the “opening remarks” I prepare for the Advisory Committee on Equity’s monthly meetings. My co-chair and I work hard to decenter ourselves and create an anti-oppressive space. And so I don’t really speak beyond these prepared remarks.
My approach to the role is to facilitate, rather than lead. So often my own beliefs and opinions are muted to ensure I’m advocating rather than proselytizing. The opening remarks are the only time I am speaking wholly as myself.
We would like to, first and foremost, acknowledge that we are presently meeting on the unceded, unsurrendered Territory of the Anishinaabeg – Algonquin Nation whose presence here reaches back to time immemorial. We extend our deepest gratitude for the ability to build our lives and meet on their land. We seek and will continue to seek to support and affirm, in whatever way possible, their rights as this land’s rightful stewards and keepers.
Hello and welcome! It is my deepest hope that this meeting serves as not only an informative experience but also one that leads to connection and healing. I am Ayan a co-chair for this committee, allow me to reintroduce myself. I am an anti-racist and anti-oppressive educator with my own business. My co-chair Deepika and I have put a lot of thought and time into re-creating these meetings as a place of action and accountability. In the interest of a fresh start, I’d like to restate our expectations and hopes for everyone in attendance, that we work to speak with compassion and intention. We are addressing serious and life-altering issues and we request that those who are here in an official capacity, be it, Trustee, Superintendents or School Staff note the inherent power imbalance present at all times when you speak, and we ask you to take time and make efforts to speak from a place of ownership and accountability. I hope that while we seek to change schools for the better, we also create space for those of us who, in the here and now, have experienced the consequences of white supremacy and systemic racism. Your lived experience is an asset here, everything you say or feel is valid and please know that I am immensely grateful for your presence in whatever capacity you have tonight and throughout the school year.
Historically, feelings of frustration and stagnation have been consistent outcomes from these meetings and it is my hope this school year we shift from that towards progress and aspirational action. Our role as advisors will be to help, guide and inform you of things as they come up but let’s commit to being bolder and more active in our planning.
As we look at the agenda, please note that while it is only the Board presenting topics tonight, know that this is to set the stage for the school year and update us all on the immense changes that have taken place. This committee is still centring the community as much as we can and if there are issues, concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to speak up.