Whether you’re looking for workshops, facilitations or a debriefs I offer a range of services that help you have those heavy but much needed discussions.
Whether you’re looking for workshops, facilitations or a debriefs I offer a range of services that help you have those heavy but much needed discussions.
Ayan Yusuf Karshe
Ayan is a passionate observer of how theoretical discourse lags behind the expertise of lived experience. She couches her anti-racism education in an anti-oppressive framework with the knowledge that at any point any individual can do harm while guiding folks to do good instead. She loves abundantly through her work, collaborations, and personal life with the deepest belief that when people are loved they can achieve anything.
Are you tackling the systemic racism and White Supremacy that is interwoven in all of our society in your places of work, worship and community? Creating spaces that are actively Anti-Racist?
Coaching sessions, workshops, and activities that unpack complex terminology while also allowing for healthy dialogue. Addressing current issues and helping bridge cultural divides with fun and engaging discussions.
It is not enough to say you “don’t know” how pervasive Racism is in our country. Discrimination and representation go hand and hand, because if you want to show support for a marginalised individual they must be present IN these discussions.
How do we create safe spaces?
By addressing oppression at the root!
I’ve created a “Get present before you get going” approach that invites participants to center their own embodied, felt, experience throughout each class, meeting or mediation. Practicing active anti-colonial education practices, we move at the speed of trust.
Let’s Talk About It
Whether you’re looking consulting, facilitation services or keynote speakers I offer a range of services that help you have those heavy but much needed discussions.